To app

When planning a trip or getaway
with countless options
and endless sources,
what are the best places to go...
for you?

Consider any combination of interests

Indicate them

Search in any area

Place info adapts to your quest

Search for things that depend on time

Sunshine in August

Sunshine in January

If you're not search something particular...

Get recommendations based on the opinions of fellow travelers

Or from people with similar tastes

Find not just places to go, but also events that happen at the time you're visiting


Data assembly We gather and align different kinds of relevant data from various sources. From natural language (like descriptions & reviews) to popularity metrics (like ratings) or attributes (like the difficulty of a route for a certain sport) to time-based conditions (climate & weather).
Knowledge base We give the system an understanding of concepts via an ontology. For example, if a place is known for tennis, football, or cycling, we can derive that it is also know for sports in general.
Matching The system recommends places and things to do if they meet the user’s interests. We can take into account time for this. A place in winter may have very different characteristics than in summer or during a specific holiday for example.
Personal rating Some people are closer to you in terms of interests, activities, or opinions about other things. Their opinions (can be set to) weigh more. We also have a unique design in how to collect more meaningful opinions and experiences, and how to generate personalised recommedations efficiently in terms of storage and speed.

Theme by theme

We now need to assemble valuable content. We'll periodically release themes. We choose them based on a consideration of potential versus costs.